This document allows you to define your healthcare wishes should you become incapacitated. Here are some other related legal documents: Advance Directive For example, you may want your babysitter to have rights to consent for care for your child or you want to make an Advance Directive to carry out your end-of-life wishes. While you can release specific information to an individual, in most cases you'll want to use a different type of form to provide ongoing legal rights.

For example, you may consent to have research groups use your information, such as gender, age or demographics with the agreement that they do not reveal identifiable information such as birth date, contact information or biometric identifiers.How to report a HIPAA violation

As with most legal topics, there are exceptions. This includes past, current and future physical or mental health and personally identifying information. Protected health information is any information created or received by care providers, health plans, life insurance companies, public health authority, employer, educational institution or healthcare clearinghouse in any form including oral or electronic. When can a doctor disclose my medical information?.More detailed information can also be included such as specific names of those allowed to receive medical information and exact details on what can be disclosed. Statements about the patient's right to revoke the authorization.The reason the information it to be shared, or simply the statement “at the request of the individual”.A specific description of the information to be (or not to be) shared.The name of the person or medical group who may receive the information.The name of the person or entity allowed to disclose medical information.While you will want to ask a lawyer about the specifics of your HIPAA Release Form, you'll want to include at least the following, Releases can be concluded to not be compliant, if not made correctly, potentially causing problems for patients and medical providers. In this case, it is not a matter of what is most OFTEN included, but rather what MUST be included.